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Tutorial Intro

Let's discover Nexitor in less than 5 minutes.

Getting Started

We assume you have bought a Nexitor subscription and your instance is already running. For Nexitor to work as expected you will need to feed logs via HTTP with your tokens to Nexitor. We are going to explain that in further detail.

What you'll need

  • Nexitor instance running
  • Any Code, Server or Tool that can send HTTP Post requests

Copy your Token

Note This

Tokens are only used to send logs, you may use them in your backend systems but you can also use them in Frontend. Though it is recommended to create new ones for Frontend as they are more likely to be misused by others.

  1. Inside your Nexitor Instance click on settings
  2. Copy the already existing Token or create a new one if you wish

Send your first Log

See the example below of a generic HTTP post request you can use to send logs:'', {
status: '200',
title: 'GET - /user',
user_name: 'Alice Brown',
user_identifier: 'c9cdbd17-9b44-4fbb-8199-d6bc7d6c2a1a',
user_ip: '',
message: 'My first log',
payload: '{maxAge: 56}',
stacktrace: 'Test Stacktrace',
application: 'Nexitor',
instance: 'Staging'
}, {
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`

After this you should see your log pop up on your Nexitor instance.

Note This

We are working on providing modules and packages that will automate the logging process for popular frameworks. We are also looking into supporting OpenTelemetry standards.

Log attributes

statusYes"Log"HTTP Status or other meaningful status identifier such as ERROR, SUCCESS
instanceYes"Development"Name of the instance
applicationYes"Nexitor"Name of the application
titleNo"-"Title of the Log will be displayed on the uncollapsed log
user_nameYes"-"Name of the user that initiated the transaction
user_identifierYes"-"Unique identifier of the user
user_ipYes""IP of the user that initiated the transaction
messageYes"-"Further description of the log
payloadYes"-"Payload data
stacktraceYes"-"Error description